Sunday, February 24, 2019

Harry Potter Chiasms catalog.

This is a dump-all post. Sometimes I worry that I forget some of the material I have noticed and written on in the HP series as far as chiasm goes. There is quite a bit of stuff spread across a decent range of writing, so this is simply a culling into one place of the bare details grouped together as 1-4-7 chiasms, 2-4-6 chiasms, and 3-4-5 chiasms. If I ever noticed more, this is where I will catalog them

1–4–7  (some are only 1 and 7, which are noted as such)

Live Family shades (mirror, wand, stone)
Dragons (Norbert, Horntail, Gringotts)
Hagrid on the bike carrying Harry to and from the Dursleys (only 1 and 7)
Harry/Ron/Hermione Neville  (House points in 1 and horcruxes in 7)
Twin cores of wands
Time: desire for a watch in 1 (when sentenced under the stairs), watch breaks in the lake in 4, wizard’s watch received in 7

2–4–6  (some are only 2 and 6, which situation is noted)

Seekers (4 = house of seekers, 4 elements when bringing in Cho as seeker for Fleur)
Draco, Bourgin, Cabinet, cursed necklace (2–6)
Slugs (2–6)
First DADA lesson riddle: Bottle Fame (2), Brew Glory(4), Stopper Death (6)
Mention of 50 years ago (diary, killing Riddles, HBP book date)
Beginning at the Borrow (3 begins at Leaky Cauldron and 5 at #12 Grimauld place)
Aragog (2–6, but also the spider and riddle in the maze)
Memory viewing (diary and pensieve)
Potions Intel gathering (2–6: polyjuice and felix)
Ginny (2–6)
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: Fudge (2) and Scrim (6)
Unorthodox entries and Snape’s criticism (2–6)
Hover charms (4 and 6 = levicorpus)
Books (2–6 diary and prince’s potion book)
Magical Invasion of the Dursley House (Dobby, Weasleys, DD … you have the area invaded by dementors in book 5, but this is specifically the domicile)
Magical transport other than brooms that Harry doesn’t like (2= flu powder, 4 = portkey, 6 = apparition)
Phoenix song (2 = in the chamber, 4 = the light cage, 6 = the lament)


Curriculum (increases year 3, decreases after 5)
Hagrid’s CoMC classes
Divination/prophecy (fits with both curriculum an narrative arc)
Dementors (materially and symbolically, mental health: Lockhart and the Longbottoms)
Cho (presence in 4 intersects house of the seekers)
Time (time turners used in 3, destroyed in 5, comments on time and watch breaking in 4)

Inside book 4: World Cup pairs with Graveyard, then first and third tasks pair, then task 2 at center with descent into lake, where is found myth, time-breaking, and love relationships.

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